Seandainya aku punya sayap
akan aku antar ayah ke kantor
aku antar Ibu ke Pasar
aku bisa kemana saja sesuka ku
seandainya aku punya sayap
aku susah masuk kedalam kelas
aku sulit melipat sayap kalau mau duduk
aku tidak bisa bergerak dengan bebas
aaah...ternyata repot juga punya sayap
aku tidak butuh sayap...
I heard this poem years ago. ever since, I can't put this poem out of my head.
this poem wrote by a first year elementary student.
maybe our ego is too big or our wants more than what we actually needs.
See? even a child could see something what we caouldn't see.
BalasHapuseh tapi bener juga kak
"even a child could see something what we couldn't see"
hi siska...
BalasHapusThanks for read. :)
hope you can see something beyond it.
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